

Ladies and Gentlegerms, I have arrived! Well, I actually arrived a month ago, but you've gotta give a girl time to settle!

I know you are all wondering: how long will she last? I have no idea, but so far, so good. One thing I will say I am enjoying about the East Coast (and I mean this in the most loving way possible) is that people here are a little more nerdy and uptight than the WC. What's so great about that you ask? It makes me 10x's funnier and more amusing! I have discovered the secret for uptight Californians: move to the East Coast! You could never be as bad as them, so you'll always be the most chillin, rhymin and stealin badass on the block. I think every anal Caliboy and girl should give this a shot at some point in their lives...

If you haven't been to DC, here's what it's like here: DC is like undergrad for twenty-somethings. Especially Dupont Circle (where I live). People walk around in their Reef flip-flops, they party, they study, they read on the grass when it's sunny, Starbucks when it's raining, then after a 2-4 year run they move back home. This place is so transient it's insane. Try buying or selling furniture on Craigslist here. The good stuff gets swept away in a heartbeat. Same with a good, affordable apartment (which is why I'm so damn lucky to have found my place).

As for work, this place is a lot like International House at Cal. People are smart and cultured. The age range and education level varies. Everyone is friendly. You have orientation, you have speakers, you even have parties sometimes. People are uber-nerdy and sometimes awkward (but like I said, this can work to your advantage!). There is office gossip (except on a much larger scale-- I think there are 2000 people in this building). Like I-House, there is incestuous dating and even marriages coming out of this office (calm down mom). Like I-House, you really don't need to leave the building: there's a gym, a counseling center, a "meditation and relaxation room," a huge cafeteria, etc, etc. Also like I-House, there are parts of the building that are really depressing and could use an extreme makeover. I also have the same feeling I had when I first started I-House: I think I'm going to like this place.

But don't think I am not keeping it real out here. Cali still trumps all. I miss Intermezzos salad, Temple Bar, and Shabbats with the fam. I miss my posse, especially my mooz of a sister. I don't miss the weather YET, but I know I will (I certainly don't miss the traffic either, although DC could really challenge LA in this department, but I'm taking their incredibly efficient and clean subway, so it doesn't affect me-- AAAAHEM, Los Angeles, take note).
I miss waxing certain cousins too. Get yer asses out here and visit soon, you crazy kids!


At October 11, 2006 6:51 PM, Blogger may moon chi said...

awww....you just made me nostalgic for a place i've never been to yet! ;)

lovey loves!

At February 20, 2007 5:23 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

i'm jealous


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